Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
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Race 2 MR 84 Handicap

12:40 1100m R5,600 Grade 5 Wintime 63.53
  • 1st R3,360
  • 2nd R1,120
  • 3rd R700
  • 4th R420
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
80 1 0.00 Road To Dubai 4 b c (8) 55.0 F Herholdt 4/1 The Sheik Fourth Avenue Model Man
89 2 0.25 Picalilly 4 gr f (6) 60.0 Q Riddle 5/2 Gharir Sweet Alliance Rabah
73 3 1.75 Carla The Rebel 4 ch f (1) 55.5 A Fortune 16/10 Rebel King Tiawana Saumarez
64 4 2.00 Chestnut Girl 4 ch f (5) 52.0 R Munger 20/1 Horse Chestnut April Showers Western Winter
77 5 2.50 Pegwell Bay 5 b f (2) 59.0 R Danielson 9/2 Jay Peg Sublimity Fort Wood
73 5 2.50 Quick Glance 6 b c (7) 56.5 M Bikausaru 75/1 Mogok Carta Expresa Lode
66 7 2.75 Lost Island 7 b c (4) 53.0 B McNaughton 50/1 Lizard Island Lost Fragrance Lost Chord
62 8 4.00 The Mutineer 6 ch c (3) 54.0 Wes Marwing 33/1 Mullins Bay Wanted Iktamal
  • Time: 63.53s (57.75s avg/1000m, or 62km/h) SP Total: 116%
  • Trainer: K Swanson
  • Owner: Mr J Koumides
  • Breeder: Scott Bros
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