Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
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Race 4

1400m R19,000 Grade 5 Wintime 88.34
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
74 1 0.00 Elm King 5 gr c (4) 57.0 W Marwing 9/2 Divine King Wych Elm Jamaico
67 2 0.25 Sense Of Pride 5 b f (5) 54.5 P Whitmore 5/1 Mr Justice Gold Medallist Caerdeon
70 3 1.50 Music Collection 4 br c (11) 57.0 J Solomons 7/2 Crown Collection Musichord Lost Chord
61 4 2.50 Go Go Queen 4 b f (6) 53.0 D Yeo 12/1 Ginistrelli Jet Set Lady Gay Fandango
61 5 2.75 Mam'selle Desire 4 b f (9) 54.5 G Figueroa 9/2 Arbat Madame Claude Rouletabille
59 6 4.75 Military Guest 6 b c (3) 57.0 R Van Wyk 5/2 Northern Guest Marilyn National Emblem
58 7 5.25 Nazdarovia 5 rn c (8) 57.0 J Bekker 12/1 Jungle Rock Bold Lady Bold Lad US
57 8 5.50 Shooting Charm 5 b c (10) 57.0 J Solomons 5/2 Shooting High Celtic Charm Hard Up
49 9 7.50 Slew Per Stupor 5 br f (12) 54.5 G Venter 5/1 Slewpendous Anytime Girl Lords
53 10 8.25 Raging Tempest 5 db c (1) 57.0 A Workrider 10/1 Barbarolli Ruling Angel Home Guard
45 11 9.25 Miss Scandalous 4 ch f (7) 54.5 F Herholdt 10/1 Mr Eats Scandalize Great Brother
44 12 11.50 Charming Guy 4 b c (13) 57.0 S Swanepoel 7/1 Enchantment Hi Guys Lancaster
30 13 14.00 Golden Spring 5 b f (2) 54.5 G Viljoen 6/1 Song of Songs Springfields Northfields
  • Time: 88.34s (63.1s avg/1000m, or 57km/h) SP Total: 209%
  • Trainer: JM Goodman
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Breeder: Riverton Stud
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