Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
Comparing time/1000m gives an indication of whether races were true run or not on the day

Race 3 Class 6 Handicap

1365m R195,000 Grade 5 Wintime 83.71
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
65 1 0.00 Tuff Stuff 7 ch c (3) 52.5 S Bassant 13/1 Goldkeeper Miss Toughy Lux Hamas
81 2 0.15 Shutterfly 3 gr c (9) 60.0 J Solomons 13/10 Silvano Evanna Damascus Gate
72 3 1.30 Campus 3 b c (1) 57.5 J Solomons 4/1 Lecture Ridge 'n Furrow Badger Land
71 4 3.25 Space Man 3 b c (5) 60.0 J Solomons 19/1 Rakeen Sky Gazer Shoe Danzig
50 5 7.25 Torero 3 b c (8) 56.0 11/2 Toreador Swala Alami
52 6 8.05 Powder Snow 3 ch c (4) 58.5 J Solomons 33/1 Western Winter Squeaky Clean Model Man
47 7 9.80 Aussie Rulz 5 ch c (2) 59.5 J Solomons 11/2 Lizard Island Sydney's Joy Royal Academy
43 8 11.10 Boozer 7 ch c (6) 59.0 J Solomons 19/1 Wolfhound Fov's Barmaid Foveros
45 9 11.30 Mc Naught 3 ch c (10) 60.0 J Solomons 15/1 Western Winter Daunting Raise A Man
30 10 13.50 Rubino 4 ch c (7) 57.0 J Solomons 40/1 Fanatic Dane Flaming Thatch Golden Thatch
  • Time: 83.71s (61.33s avg/1000m, or 59km/h) SP Total: 121%
  • Trainer: Raj Ramdin
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Breeder: Anthony Maroun's Stud
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