Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
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Race 4 Maiden Plate

1600m R80,000 Grade 5 Wintime 98.88
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
75 1 0.00 Brut Strength 3 c (4) 58.0 D L Habib 16/10 Muhtafal Lavender Essence Badger Land
73 2 1.00 Cuve 3 b c (3) 58.0 R Simons 12/1 Tara's Halls Winter's Day Western Winter
66 3 4.25 Indigo Amigo 3 b c (6) 58.0 W Uys 6/1 Indigo Magic Dolphin Dance Elevation
64 4 5.00 Trader John 3 gr c (10) 58.0 F Naude 40/1 Johannesburg Queen Tzuke Forest Glow
63 5 5.25 Namib 3 ch c (2) 58.0 G Figueroa 11/2 Modern Day Bold Jewel Crystal de Roche
61 6 6.00 Hadrian 4 ch c (14) 58.0 B Nyawo 33/1 Modern Day Peony Dancer Concertino
54 7 9.50 Successor 3 b c (11) 58.0 F Herholdt 12/1 Captain Al Royal Jubilee Royal Prerogative
41 8 14.00 Cheater 3 b c (5) 56.5 V Morake 66/1 Tara's Halls Ann Arbor National Assembly
41 9 15.50 Whispering Knights 3 b c (7) 58.0 M V'Rensburg 12/1 Camden Park Great Rollright Noble Ambition
38 10 17.00 Mholi 3 b c (9) 58.0 D David 8/1 Russian Revival Oriental Queen Volksraad
27 11 22.00 Jugador 3 b c (1) 58.0 J Sampson 10/1 Sportsworld Broadway Gleam Broad Reach
21 12 24.00 Rodeo 4 b c (13) 58.0 S Khumalo 66/1 Casey Tibbs Salmantina Cordoba
19 13 25.00 Super Legend 4 ch c (8) 58.0 D Smith 66/1 Super Magic Splendid Chalice Royal Chalice
5 14 32.00 Confucius 3 b c (12) 58.0 A Workrider 50/1 Labeeb Lamondla Lambent Light
  • Time: 98.88s (61.8s avg/1000m, or 58km/h) SP Total: 123%
  • Trainer: G Anthony
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Breeder: Waterford Stud
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