Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
Comparing time/1000m gives an indication of whether races were true run or not on the day

Race 1 Maiden Plate

1000m R60,000 Grade 5 Wintime 58.11
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
76 1 0.00 From Russia 3 b f (5) 54.5 R Hill 13/2 Russian Revival Top Speaker National Assembly
68 2 2.00 Dash Of Dynamite 3 b f (11) 54.5 18/1 What A Prospect Jem Says Ciao Dominion Royale
70 3 2.75 Rushing Gold 4 b c (14) 58.0 L Govender 80/1 Gold Press Golden Forty's Golden Gallant
61 4 2.85 Charming Qui 4 b c (2) 54.0 A Domeyer 20/1 West Man Qui's Charm Qui Danzig
68 5 4.35 Road to Heaven 3 b c (15) 57.0 B Lerena 12/1 Muhtafal Enroute To Heaven Northern Guest
67 6 4.45 Varese 3 b c (7) 57.0 I Sturgeon 11/20 Joshua Dancer Vain Affair Vain
55 7 7.45 Friendly Neighbour 3 b c (10) 57.0 S Randolph 11/2 Dominion Royale Pretty Lisa Elliodor
44 8 9.70 Time To Deliver 3 (1) 57.0 M Latorre 50/1 Anytime Hot Pet Harry Hotspur
38 9 10.70 Spring Academy 4 b c (12) 58.0 N Shearer 18/1 Lavery Spring Key Hallgate
28 10 10.75 Wazzoo 3 b f (3) 52.0 D David 66/1 Alami Bound To Hound All Fired Up
34 11 10.90 Tiny Scot 6 b c (8) 56.5 J L Samuel 66/1 Shooting High Lowland Swing Rocky Marriage
29 12 11.15 My Sister 4 b f (13) 55.5 K Zechner 80/1 Personal Hope Personal Property Private Account
28 13 13.15 Tavistock 4 ch c (4) 58.0 D Daniels 80/1 Muhtafal Scilly Isles Our Casey's Boy
0 14 21.65 Made Man 4 b c (9) 58.0 D Smith 80/1 Martinelli Half Moon Street Freedom Land
0 15 23.90 Divine Red 3 ch c (6) 54.5 D Howell 80/1 Russian Revival Divine Origin Divine King
  • Time: 58.11s (58.11s avg/1000m, or 62km/h) SP Total: 126%
  • Trainer: IS Moore
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Breeder: Backworth Stud
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