Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
Comparing time/1000m gives an indication of whether races were true run or not on the day

Race 1 Class 7 Handicap

1400m R130,000 Grade 5 Wintime 86.98
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
57 1 0.00 Fleeting Moment 7 b c (4) 58.0 R Boutanive 8/1 Centenary Speedyganimble Al Mufti
57 2 0.35 Droplet 4 b c (3) 59.0 S Azie 14/1 Kingsinger Truely Splashing Truely Nureyev
45 3 1.10 Captain 5 b c (2) 54.0 S Rama 7/1 Jet Master Comedie Francaise Centenary
47 4 1.20 Credit Line 6 b c (11) 55.5 J Solomons 5/2 Ahkaam Social Fair Darby Fair
41 5 1.35 Love Bug 7 ch c (8) 52.5 J Solomons 19/1 Iktamal My Sweet Love Prontisimo
37 6 2.20 French Lightning 10 b c (6) 54.0 J Solomons 22/1 Green Lightning Gateau Argosy
40 7 3.60 Cut 'Em Up 6 b c (9) 55.5 S Mahadia 7/1 Up And At 'Em Cuty Slew Kentucky Slew
39 8 6.00 Blessed Arabian 7 b c (10) 58.0 V Naiko 7/1 Kahir Almaydan Hall Of Fortune Hallgate
27 9 8.70 Tours 5 ch c (1) 56.0 J Solomons 19/1 Mutakddim Riviere Logical
29 10 9.05 Rivers Of Babylon 4 b c (7) 58.0 S Bassant 9/1 Albarahin Shoe Dance Shoe Danzig
15 11 12.00 Special K 4 b c (5) 55.5 RH Rawa 24/1 Al Mufti National Bay National Assembly
  • Time: 86.98s (62.13s avg/1000m, or 58km/h) SP Total: 112%
  • Trainer: Unknown
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Breeder: Yellow Star Stud
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