Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
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Race 8

1100m R2,062,500 Grade 5 Wintime 65.12
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
88 1 0.00 Dizzy Dancer 3 b f (2) 55.5 D Williams 18/10 Rabah Party Girl Northern Guest
78 2 2.75 A Phantasia 3 b f (5) 55.5 L Pagel 4/1 Kingsinger Just Fantastic Tilden
68 3 5.25 Satin Sari 4 b f (3) 53.0 T Guta 6/1 Kahir Almaydan Satin Sally Tilden
64 4 6.75 Cedar Rapids 3 b c (1) 55.5 M Nyamagwete 16/1 Rabah Chelsea Green Beauchamp Hero
44 5 10.00 Mah Jongg 3 b f (4) 53.0 B Nyawo 16/1 Safawan Chinese Puzzle Gainsborough
35 6 14.00 Mistress Morn 3 b f (6) 55.5 R Peters 14/1 Kahal Haunting Beauty Best By Test
  • Time: 65.12s (59.2s avg/1000m, or 61km/h) SP Total: 88%
  • Trainer: AI Harris
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Breeder: Wistaria Thoroughbreds
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