Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
Comparing time/1000m gives an indication of whether races were true run or not on the day

Race 1

1000m R25,000,000 Grade 5 Wintime 59.50
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
71 1 0.00 More Drama 2 b f (2) 54.5 L Watambwa 8/1 Sobieski Our Rosie Bold Speed
69 2 0.50 Millicent 2 b f (10) 53.0 T Guta 16/10 Kahir Almaydan Little Snip Snippets
55 3 1.75 Royal Gate 2 b f (4) 57.0 R Simons 8/1 Hallgate Royal Blackbird Most Welcome
63 4 2.50 Synthesiser 2 b f (8) 53.0 N S Katandika 3/1 Manshood Rising Tempo Steady Beat
63 5 2.55 Base Singer 2 ch f (7) 55.5 S Mtshali 6/1 Habaayib Rampant Melody Rampaging Native
63 6 2.60 Halle 2 ch f (3) 57.0 S Swanepoel 6/1 Manshood Hall Of Fame Shut Out
56 7 4.60 Secret Mistress 2 b f (5) 57.0 R Peters 9/2 Hallgate Secret Tryst Rocky Marriage
52 8 5.85 Capillia 2 ch f (12) 57.0 M Nyamagwete 20/1 Divine Act Amber Pass Pass Catcher
53 9 8.60 Divine Sarah 2 b f (9) 57.0 Don Habib 14/1 Divine Act Hall Of Fortune Hallgate
41 10 9.35 Call To Peace 2 ch f (1) 57.0 D Frank 20/1 Safawan Peaceful Reason Peacetime
12 11 18.35 Morissette 2 b f (6) 57.0 M V'Rensburg 8/1 Hallgate Take The Stage Tilden
0 12 28.35 Hot Buzz 2 b f (11) 57.0 D Carstens 14/1 Pollen Count Honey Hotspur Harry Hotspur
  • Time: 59.5s (59.5s avg/1000m, or 61km/h) SP Total: 166%
  • Trainer: K Swanson
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Breeder: TC Millar
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