Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
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Race 8

1600m R40,000 Grade 5 Wintime 101.76
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
84 1 0.00 Chavonne Millenium 3 ch c (6) 58.0 G Puller 10/1 Special Preview Opal Sky Foveros
82 2 0.75 Big Hitter 3 b c (11) 58.0 K Neisius 17/10 Joshua Dancer Rose Grosvenor Grosvenor
82 3 0.85 Montoya 3 b c (13) 58.0 R Zieve 25/1 Pole Position Burford Enchantment
85 4 0.95 Black Kite 2 b c (1) 54.0 G Schlechter 16/1 Fahal Courageous Girl Dolpour
81 5 1.20 War Party 3 b c (7) 58.0 M Winnaar 20/1 Fine Edge Pretty Lisa Elliodor
78 6 2.70 Count Regal 3 b c (12) 58.0 P Botha 3/1 Counter Action Mighty Sparrow Elliodor
76 7 3.70 Diamond Digger 3 b c (9) 58.0 G Behr 25/1 Eli's Star Kimberley Sparkler
74 8 4.45 French Cricket 3 b c (5) 58.0 G Cheyne 10/1 Fine Edge French Joy Elliodor
70 9 4.95 Johnny Mcgee 4 b c (10) 58.0 H Runge 33/1 Badger Land Lady Pamela Russian Fox
73 10 5.20 Winter Warmer 3 b c (8) 58.0 M Mienie 9/2 Western Winter Shirley Valentine Dancing Champ
67 11 6.20 Promised Man 4 br c (4) 55.5 R Khathi 33/1 Main Man Promising Delta Sierra
67 12 7.95 Special Express 3 b c (3) 58.0 G Hatt 8/1 Special Preview Kentucky Lass Kentucky Slew
51 13 9.20 Foreign Beauty 4 ch f (2) 55.0 N Roebuck 33/1 National Emblem Miss Pondoland Northern Guest
  • Time: 101.76s (63.6s avg/1000m, or 57km/h) SP Total: 137%
  • Trainer: MW Bass
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Breeder: D Cohen & Sons
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