Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
Comparing time/1000m gives an indication of whether races were true run or not on the day

Race 8

1400m R2,650,000 Grade 5 Wintime 84.14
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
89 1 0.00 Green Speed 4 b c (3) 56.5 D Williams 5/2 Green Lightning Speed Along Pochard
81 2 1.50 Hunters Fury 5 ch c (9) 56.5 Q Riddle 3/1 Huntingdale Fiery Dancer All Fired Up
70 3 3.00 Bohemian-Arch 7 b c (1) 51.5 S Khumalo 7/1 Hallgate Bohemian Star Bohemian Grove
65 4 4.50 Apache Cause 5 br c (6) 51.0 X Ndlovu 7/1 Pollen Count Peaceful Reason Peacetime
73 5 5.00 Tomorrows World 5 ch f (2) 58.0 T Manxusa 3/1 Manshood Your Future Model Man
62 6 6.75 Square Bolt 6 b c (5) 54.0 M Nyamagwete 10/1 Just Three Spotted Wonder Springing Leopard
60 7 7.50 Wimbledon 4 b c (8) 52.5 R Peters 10/1 Tilden Daisy Mae Cannon King
56 8 9.50 Empire Sun 4 ch c (7) 55.0 K Wright 3/1 Tilden Brilliant Burst Peacetime
39 9 14.25 London Ledger 9 db c (4) 58.0 R Roberts 8/1 Phantom Earl Early Miss Historian
  • Time: 84.14s (60.1s avg/1000m, or 60km/h) SP Total: 158%
  • Trainer: AI Harris
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Breeder: GJ Armitage
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