Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
Comparing time/1000m gives an indication of whether races were true run or not on the day

Race 3

1000m R56,000 Grade 5
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
77 1 0.00 Late Magic 4 b f (10) 57.0 P Strydom 12/1 Shoe Danzig Disco Magic Lost Chord
76 2 0.25 Look Sharp 4 b f (6) 57.0 S Sampson 20/1 Northern Guest Wild Greek Wicked Will
85 3 0.75 Upside Surprise 3 b f (8) 57.0 A Workrider 4/1 Model Man Ajanta Gay Fandango
78 4 2.50 Cherry Blossom 3 b f (14) 57.0 B Smith 22/10 Sharp Romance Plum Blossom Argosy
74 5 3.50 Climbing Rose 3 b f (7) 57.0 Don Habib 14/10 West Man Erica Garden Harry Hotspur
63 6 3.60 League Romance 4 b f (12) 57.0 J Geroudis 14/1 Gallic League Friendly Kiss On Stage
62 7 3.75 Daisy Delux 4 ch f (5) 57.0 L Prestwood 10/1 Fort Wood Field Princess Northfields
60 8 4.25 Capa Maxi 4 ch f (3) 57.0 A Marcus 10/1 Candy Stripes Capa Chochi El Capo
57 9 5.00 Queensland 4 ch f (11) 57.0 J Lloyd 14/1 Centenary Didgeridoo Dancing Champ
57 10 5.10 Olympus 4 b f (4) 57.0 M Mienie 20/1 Sportsworld West of Eden Elliodor
63 11 6.35 Southern Sunshine 3 b f (13) 57.0 D Daniels 7/1 West Man Mississippi Masala Elliodor
49 12 7.00 Drake's Lady 4 ch f (9) 57.0 J Sampson 20/1 Fine Edge Pirate's Pet Waterville Lake
52 13 9.00 Tour Des Bois 3 br f (2) 57.0 G Viljoen 20/1 Val des Bois Sweetness The Eliminator
41 14 11.75 Arab's Rose 3 b f (1) 57.0 S Randolph 20/1 Priceless Asset Tanasha Sunny North
  • Time: 0s (0s avg/1000m, or km/h) SP Total: 168%
  • Trainer: PA Kimberley
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Breeder: W Brits
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