Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
Comparing time/1000m gives an indication of whether races were true run or not on the day

Race 2

1000m R30,000 Grade 5 Wintime 61.00
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
78 1 0.00 Jolly Handy 3 b f (3) 54.5 L Karriem 3/1 Pole Position Molly Mandy Proclaim
71 2 1.75 Royal Quill 3 db f (1) 54.5 C Cormack 33/10 Dominion Royale Gold Quill Golden Thatch
66 3 4.25 Pointsettia 3 ch f (4) 57.0 G Puller 12/10 Centenary Bold Flower Bold Speed
58 4 6.25 French Velvet 3 b f (6) 57.0 T Brown 8/1 Pas De Quoi Nassemony National Assembly
48 5 8.75 Almost Unreal 3 ch f (5) 57.0 G Venter 7/1 Main Man The Earth Moved Volcanic
48 6 8.80 Polished Act 3 br f (7) 57.0 G Basson 5/1 Divine Act POLISHED EDGE Sabre
36 7 11.80 So Kiss-Able 3 ch f (2) 57.0 G Schlechter 14/1 Exclusive Patriot Nocturnal Flight Ambiopoise
22 8 14.80 Is Pappasuster 4 b f (8) 57.0 G Behr 14/1 Silent Jungle Twilight Time Anytime
  • Time: 61s (61s avg/1000m, or 59km/h) SP Total: 147%
  • Trainer: GS Kotzen
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Breeder: Hyjo Stud
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