Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
Comparing time/1000m gives an indication of whether races were true run or not on the day

Race 1

1000m R27,000 Grade 5 Wintime 61.00
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
77 1 0.00 Roy Race 3 b c (2) 57.0 M Sutherland 5/1 Folmar State Sonata Beethoven
76 2 0.25 Dancing Ship 3 ch c (7) 57.0 M Khan 5/2 Mistral Dancer Hardship Hard Up
74 3 0.75 Gaucho 3 ch c (4) 57.0 F Macaskill 6/1 Hard Up Gaucho Girl Esplendor
72 4 1.25 Dakota Express 3 ch c (10) 57.0 E Chelin 8/1 Cordoba Got The Giggles Only a Pound
61 5 2.00 Hard Print 4 b c (9) 58.0 F Anthony 4/1 Hard Up Word Picture Trigger Finger
58 6 4.75 My Realm 3 b c (5) 57.0 A Du Preez 28/10 Royal Academy My-O-My Hallgate
57 7 5.00 Russian Flute 3 b c (12) 57.0 B Morgenrood 7/1 Lost Chord Witty Lady Russian Fox
53 8 6.00 Golden Door 3 ch c (3) 57.0 G Schlechter 10/1 Golden Thatch Perfume Power Harry Hotspur
43 9 7.75 Dangerous Living 5 b c (1) 54.0 C Cormack 14/1 Rampaging Native Open Secret Who Duzzit
39 10 9.50 African Emperor 3 ch c (8) 57.0 G Venter 14/1 Galba WINGS OVER AFRICA Harry Hotspur
0 11 13.00 Bold Winner 4 b c (6) 58.0 G Behr 14/1 Foulaad WINNERS LIST Over The Air
0 12 18.00 Bass Chord 3 br c (11) 57.0 J Gouws 7/1 Diamond Jim STIFF CHORD Lost Chord
  • Time: 61s (61s avg/1000m, or 59km/h) SP Total: 171%
  • Trainer: GW Ennion
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Breeder:
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