Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
Comparing time/1000m gives an indication of whether races were true run or not on the day

Race 1

1200m R23,000 Grade 5 Wintime 74.28
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
68 1 0.00 Lady Of Time 2 b f (6) 53.5 C Roberts 9/10 Northern Guest Bold Broad Plum Bold
68 2 0.05 Heatherbank 2 db f (2) 49.5 F Jacobs 12/1 Lustra Heatherside Instrument Landing
66 3 0.55 Amarilla 2 ch f (9) 53.5 A Hoffmann 12/1 Dominion Royale Sweet Snowdrop Averof
67 4 1.80 Western Cowboy 2 ch c (13) 56.0 R Bonham 33/1 Sapieha
63 5 1.85 Art And Craft 2 b f (7) 49.5 W Kennedy 33/1 Philippi Handiwork Craftsman
63 6 1.95 La Deeda 2 ch f (11) 53.5 M Khan 7/2 Exclusive Patriot Society Bird Northern Guest
62 7 2.05 Festivita 2 b f (4) 53.5 P Dillon 33/1 Argosy Captured Rhythm Capture Him
58 8 3.80 Enchanting Philly 2 ch f (3) 53.5 G Venter 12/1 Enchantment Trendy Philly Highborn Harry
58 9 3.85 Passion And Power 2 ch f (10) 54.0 C Hewitson 12/1 Devilish Ninja Jamaican Flirt Jamaico
57 10 4.10 Sister Sioux 2 ch f (1) 53.5 G Schlechter 33/1 Jungle Rock Brave Sister Argosy
44 11 8.85 Marine Song 2 b f (5) 53.5 F Naude 12/1 Beldale Lustre Maritime Music Jamaican Music
34 12 10.85 Miss Sweetie 2 ch f (8) 53.5 S Devoy 33/1 Chief Warden Jamaican Beauty Jamaican Music
39 13 11.35 Who's Alice 2 b f (12) 54.5 D Rahilly 6/1 Qui Danzig SAID ALICE Elevation
  • Time: 74.28s (61.9s avg/1000m, or 58km/h) SP Total: 142%
  • Trainer: AC Greeff
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Breeder: Birch Bros
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