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Race 4 MR 75 Handicap

2:25 1800m R5,600 Grade 5 Wintime 111.28
  • 1st R3,600
  • 2nd R1,120
  • 3rd R700
  • 4th R420
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
78 1 0.00 Barbarian 4 b c (5) 55.5 J Greyling 5/1 Silvano Alderry Al Mufti
63 2 3.00 Quick Glance 7 b c (3) 52.0 B McNaughton 10/1 Mogok Carta Expresa Lode
83 3 3.50 Cool Solution 4 b c (4) 61.0 S Brown 4/1 Mullins Bay Ask Aly Tilden
81 4 4.25 Noble Peer 6 b c (2) 61.0 S Chambers 6/1 Miesque's Approval Nadyiah Kur Scenic
70 5 5.25 David's Flower 6 b c (6) 57.0 R Munger 3/1 Astronomer Royal Marie Doree River Bay
0 6 99.94 Supa Challenge 5 b c (1) 56.0 C Murray 3/1 Soar With Eagles Dupa Dear Tilden
  • Time: 111.28s (61.82s avg/1000m, or 58km/h) SP Total: 109%
  • Trainer: P Fisher
  • Owner: Mr T A Wilkes
  • Breeder: Al Adiyaat
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