Race times - win time/1000m (standard time/1000m) & act win time (act standard time)
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Race 3 MR 50 Handicap

2:05 1800m R6,300 Grade 5 Wintime 113.94
  • 1st R3,780
  • 2nd R1,260
  • 3rd R756
  • 4th R378
  • 5th R126
AR Finish LBH Horse Draw Mass Jockey Odds Sire Dam Damsire
67 1 0.00 Dictate 4 b f (7) 56.0 C Habib 12/1 Silvano Trading Up Model Man
58 2 0.25 Piece Of Pizzaz 4 ch f (6) 52.5 R Simons 6/1 A P Answer Bit Of Bizet Opera King
71 3 0.30 Valmont 6 b c (4) 57.5 B McNaughton 33/10 Right Approach Clandestine Fort Wood
69 4 1.30 Bullion Bay 4 b c (8) 57.5 S Chambers 22/10 Bankable Ashfield Wolfhound
65 5 2.30 Muhannad 6 br c (5) 56.5 R Munger 18/10 Giant's Causeway Sarkha Danehill
61 6 3.05 Catnip 4 b c (1) 55.5 J Greyling 14/1 Mogok Natasha's Pride National Assembly
79 7 4.05 Rebel Soldier 3 ch c (3) 60.0 S Brown 16/1 Gharir Second Date Casey Tibbs
48 8 7.55 Chum 4 ch c (2) 53.5 C Murray 33/1 Ideal World By Gum Strike Smartly
  • Time: 113.94s (63.3s avg/1000m, or 57km/h) SP Total: 128%
  • Trainer: B Stidolph
  • Owner: Newbury Racing (Pty) Ltd (Nom: Mr D E Evans)
  • Breeder: Eenfontein Stud
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